Still thinking about Brimfield…2013

Tomorrow marks one week since our day trip to Brimfield.  I’m still dreaming about all of the awesomeness we spied at the most gigantic antiques market I have ever seen.  Sadly, I only made it through half of the fields before admitting

Project Glimpse – Office Oil drip-pan memo board, vintage postcards, grassy faux plant and a stylish mercury glass desk lamp yields Office Glam  Vintage Post Cards bring in some color and a bit of entertainment.  Fuel for daydreaming if you

Project Glimpse – Guest Room Storage

Small (gorgeous) two-bedroom condo in Cambridge, MA.  Guest Room / Library.  (Was) a Blank wall above a sleeper sofa.  Client needed storage.   We installed two cabinets, mounted horizontally with an after-market lift system so the doors

Floor Plan Friday: – L-Shaped Living Room

Sometimes you just need a doodle to show you what direction you’re heading in – design wise anyway. This “raw” floor plan is an example of a simple drawing showing what size furniture will comfortably fit in the room.  This floor

Visual Organization / Functional Organization

Here are a couple of shots I took in my own office of two particularly organized spots.  An organizer by nature and profession, I’m pretty organized.  However, being so doesn’t always mean that my spaces look organized.  Also,

Project Glimpse – Bunk Bed Bolsters

Project Glimpse  Here is a cozy reading spot – perfect for a day like today.  Here in the South Coast of Massachusetts, we’re getting snow – again.  Wouldn’t it be great to cuddle up in here with the little ones and

Accent Pillows – The Flange

I once had a client…you know who you are, and we are closely related so I can’t be fired…I tried and tried to talk her into doing a gorgeous contrasting flange (like the images here) on her euro shams on her bed.  She couldn’t get

Baby Changing Table & Clothing Organization

Ahh the old condo.  It was fun while it lasted, but I’m glad it didn’t last much longer.  We started our married life there as well as brought our two babies home there.  It was bitter sweet to leave, but more sweet than bitter.

Home Office – I NEED a re-design

So, we have officially lived in our new house for just over three months.  I have already changed the furniture layout in our master bedroom and the guest room/play room.  My office right now is totally my sanctuary.  Located at the opposite