Playroom Organizing Project Before and After(s)

What playroom couldn’t use a little purge and tidy-up once in a while!?  The kiddos that enjoy this space were total champs when it came to the clean out.  They were so astoundingly cool about selecting toys that they no longer play with and passing them along to the local charity.  It was an awesome thing to witness.  

Now, they have room to play with their favorites, and are poised to welcome the next influx of new toys at their upcoming birthday parties.

A little bookshelf neatening and we made room to accommodate the board games instead of them sitting on a nearby desk.

A couple of detail shots:  
1.  Toys are easily visible and accessible in these acrylic bins
2.  Kid stuff organized like grown up stuff with real-sized kitchen cabinet organizers
3.  A shoe rack serves as a handy toy shelf in the closet in the eves.
4.  Barbie gear – tamed.  

Closets along the sides of the room make excellent use of the space in the eves, but its sometimes tricky getting in there – even with the two doors.  Adding a shelving unit (shoe rack) and some item-specific containers, it looks better and works better.
Boys Toy Closet:

Girls Toy Closet:

What are your favorite toy organizing tricks?  How often does your space get the once-over?  I’d love to hear in the comments below!

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