Baby Changing Table & Clothing Organization

Ahh the old condo.  It was fun while it lasted, but I’m glad it didn’t last much longer.  We started our married life there as well as brought our two babies home there.  It was bitter sweet to leave, but more sweet than bitter.  This post is a homage to ye ‘ole changing table.  We actually still use this piece of furniture as the kids’ dresser and changing table at the new house.  Re-purposing the antique proved to be a great move.  Both the littles loved being on the changing table and looking at themselves in the mirror/smearing drool, etc on it/peeing, etc. on it.  Everything was close at hand for Mom and Dad too! Here is a glimpse of the space:

Hamper to the left, diaper genie to the right, wipes in the drawer, diapers on the shelf behind the mirror, toys around the perimeter to distract (attempt to distract) busy babies.

Bottom drawer – linens, sheets, cloth diapers.

Middle drawer – clothes folded and “filed” helped keep everything visible for easy dressing.  

Top drawer – diapering supplies, onesies, bibs, burp cloths, extra wipes.  

Very handy having everything nearby.  The lamp helped shed a little light on certain things needing further attention…diaper rashes, etc.

Now, with a 3 year-old and a 1-year-old, we’re still using this method.  The linens from the bottom drawer are stored elsewhere with larger items like sweatshirts and bulky pants for cold seasons stored there instead, and there is a pink drawer (top) and a blue drawer (middle).  We’re getting ready to upgrade the little man/older brother to his own dresser seeing as he hasn’t laid on this changing table in a while, but for now things are working just fine.  

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