Merchandised Refrigerator

Merchandised Refrigerator
This is a topic I have mentioned before.  I love doing this at my house.  It is so essential a task because it is so closely related to a life-supporting act – EATING!  We all love to eat, and some of us like to cook.  Here is a picture chronicle of my refrigerator clean out.  Yes, I know there is a watermelon in there.  These aren’t new pictures.  They are from a past project at the old condo.  We had a smaller fridge than some households, but it was more energy efficient.  We didn’t need much more space but we kept it pretty neat to maximize the space we did have.  

Now that we are in a house, we have a full-sized refrigerator as well as a chest freezer in the garage – both full.  My how things have changed.  

As far as refrigerator design, I am a huge fan of a fridge with as much open space as possible.  I do not like those that have many different shelf levels, divided shelves or item specific compartments everywhere.  One thing is for sure, everyone has different stuff in their fridge and you likely have different items in yours from one week to the next…so, why have so many limitations on your storage.  

It is true for any storage space – the more open and flexible, the better!  I believe this phenomena will someday explain why people’s guest rooms frequently turn into their catch-all rooms.  It’s easy to put stuff in an open spot.  I like the simple refrigerator, and will one day own a french door, top fridge, bottom freezer unit.  Will I ever be satisfied? Well, maybe not…

Before shots:

Fridge door – BEFORE
Fridge – BEFORE
Fridge – BEFORE
All Empty and Clean!
And, here is the stuff.  Cleaned off, organized and ready to go back.
Fridge Door – AFTER
AFTER – See how much brighter!  It is so easy to see everything, and to reach things as well.

Progress shots:

After shots:

Happy organizing!  

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