Linen Closet – Looks Better, Works Better

Linen Closet – Looks Better, Works Better

In my organizing work, I talk a lot about limits.  Setting limits and noticing when you’ve reached your limits is the most important thing in striking a balance between being organized and falling into being disorganized.  Organization is a highly subjective issue.  One person’s organized is another person’s disorganized.  The below pictures show an in-home organizing project of my own.  The Linen Closet.  It is a pretty good size, but in a particularly busy few weeks it just got out of control.  The limit had been reached – stuff was overflowing and I had a pile of towels to put away, but I didn’t have a place to put them.  The signal to carve out some time and tackle it!  Get a trash bag ready, recycle bin nearby and go!

Hallway Linen Closet – BEFORE

Hallway Linen Closet – BEFORE
Look at the stuff just spewing out

Hallway Linen Closet – BEFORE
Who knows WHAT is in there?!?!? 

Hallway Linen Closet – BEFORE
The top shelf looks decent here, but as for the lowest shelf in this picture – who stores their sheets on top of a Vaseline jar?

Hallway Linen Closet – BEFORE
The limit – where do I put this? It used to fit in there??

And here are the after images.  After sorting everything out, I came across expired medicines and old lotions and potions that needed to be tossed.  

Hallway Linen Closet – AFTERWow, you can see the stuff now!

Hallway Linen Closet – AFTER
And, the clean towels all fit!

Hallway Linen Closet – AFTER
The sheets fit too, and they aren’t stacked on top of the Vaseline jar anymore. 

I also added a door organizer to hold the little bottles and stuff that was getting lost on the shelves.  I love the deep shelves, but for the small things they weren’t working so well.   See a similar  piece here.

Here is a look at the before shot one more time…and the AFTER!

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