Work-from-home Mommy Desk

I have decided that this would be the perfect desk for me right now.  I work from home.  I also have two little ones that are home with me 99% of the time.  Suprisingly, this usually works out pretty well; however, we also have a small space so I can’t really leave anything out or it gets dismantled.  This counter-height “Tasting Table”  is 40″ wide x 60″ deep x 36″ high.  I could easily spread out my work and leave it out and out of reach of climbing adventuring toddlers.  It would be ample for piles of projects and inspirations.  I also prefer to work standing.  It keeps me focused.  And usually sitting makes it look like I’m actually relaxing – although I’d still be working – and toddlers don’t like when you relax.

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